this is a website divoted to my chemical romance. you WILL see a photo of billie joe armstrong from green day, thats
because green day is my number one fav. band, then MCR in second place!! woo, it sounds like a race! ok then, if you
have any questions, comments, any wid kinkey dreams, or anything please feel free to email either elyse or me, ruby, thats
what we're here for, or me at lest. so yes, have fun and enjoy. love-ruby.
Gerard Way- vocal
Mikey Way- bass
Frank Iero- guitar
Ray Toro- guitar
Bob Bryar- drums
2004- Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
2002- I Brought You My Bullets, You Brough Me Your Love
2004- I'm Not Okay. (I Promise)
2005- Helena
